Cricket world/updated news of cricket

The world of cricket,Great source of our entertainment. We, the cricket lovers want to gather updated news of cricket world. We like it, so................

Monday, June 16, 2008


The game of glorious uncertainties. Yes, I am talking about cricket. Ups and downs are very common to it. Actually this is the specialty of that particular game. In general it is beyond our means to predict the result. That’s why the charm of cricket is huge. Cricket lovers are always eager to know the updated news of cricket world. Every cricketer is a real hero to their viewers. Cricket lovers want to know even the news of their hero’s personal life. Although it seems bad, the media is one step ahead to release the news of cricketer’s personal life.I am trying to post the updated news of cricket to cricket lovers. Indeed I am also a cricket lover. This is my first post so it is not as attractive as I want to publish. I will surely rectify my shortage in the next post. Today here I post only the final result of India Pakistan match which was held just some days before in kitply cup tournament in Dhaka, the capital city of Bangladesh.
India: 290/10 in 48.2 overs
Pakistan: 315/3 in 50 overs.
Result: Pakistan win the match and tournament.


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